Wednesday, September 10, 2008

heart to heart with God

Today I have to say that I had a great day today. If you count the earthquake out then it's cool. I still look at it as a great day. The Lord is still letting me live. I want to say what I have learned from HIM. Hopefully you will be blessed by what you read. I learned today from HIM is that He planted a zeal in my heart to enjoy HIS PRESENCE. I love to hear that. HE said the HE is always walking with me and talking with me. HE said that HE needs me to accomplish HIS will. I never will be left out because of that. HE needs me and I need HIM the most. HE said that I should not want what those people who look like they are rich, but are not. HE told me that because the people who do things out of MY Will, will loose it. HE said that it will be shown that they need the Lord. I learned that an accomplishment is not one if you do not do it by the Lord's Will. If the Lord did not help, it's nothing. I learned that HE has to be my source for everything. I have to not lean to my own understanding. I have to listen to HIM in order for things to go right. I learned that it's not job to save my own life. It's the Lord's job to save me. HE decides who will be saved. If I die right not I would not die. I would live in Spirit with the Lord. The Lord already conquered death. HE said I will still live. If I try to save my own life. I will loose it. The last thing i learned is that I should look ahead to HIM. I should not look back at what I did. I should look towards HIM and see the reward. I should always look to HIM and everything will be great. That's what I learned from the Lord today. I thank the Lord for giving me wisdom so I can live like HIM. i thank HIM for bringing me comfort when I needed it. I had no one else around me. Only the Lord. I could of called my friends, but it might of turned out that he or she might be doing thins. GOD did command that we should not have any ideas before HIM. So I trust the Lord to bring me comfort because HE is always available. HE is always available because HE never sleeps. HE never sleeps because HE is making sure the things are perfect for you and me.